Friday, December 9, 2011

10 tech. questions for parents and elders.

1.     How do I turn on my iPod?
A: press the top button.
2.     How do I check the time when I’m on the computer?
A: look at the bottom right corner of the screen.
3.     How do I get to Google?
A: type in
4.     How do I turn on my Wi-Fi?
A: go to settings and turn it on.
   5. Why won’t my iPod turn on?
       A: charge it.
   6. How do I save something?
       A: Go to file and press save.
   7. How do I send a e-mail?
       A: Press send e-mail.
    8. What is a monitor?
       A: A screen that you see stuff on.
    9. How do I watch a movie?
       A:  Put in a DVD.
  10. How do I start a microwave?
       A: press start.